Mass Unwrap hits the UK
Mass Unwrap is a high impact, community-led approach to put pressure on supermarkets, visually showing the sheer scale of plastic packaging. For example, did you know that 59 billion pieces of plastic packaging are distributed every year?
Surfers Against Sewage ran their first Earth Day Mass Unwrap in Cornwall in 2018, at Morrison’s supermarket in Newquay alone, a group of 30 shoppers collected 5 bin bags full of avoidable plastics in just 20 minutes of shopping. All supermarkets involved were supportive and happy for the demonstrations to take place.
Supermarkets form a big part of our communities and the way that many people buy food. This non-confrontational and family-friendly event offers a unique opportunity for us as consumers to be able to raise awareness of excess packaging and the need for change.

The Everyday Plastic Report revealed 295 billion pieces of plastic are thrown away every year. So for 2019, Surfers Against Sewage have been holding a series of Mass Unwraps across the UK from the 3rd to the 10th March 2019. It’s a great opportunity for everyone of all ages to join forces and send a clear and strong message that the way we use packaging needs to change, and faster.
We’ll keep you posted on the results as they come in.